Celebrating Courageous Accomplices, A Heartfelt Thank You From JFM

Standing up for justice takes immense courage. The Justice for Medlock (JFM) is more than a movement; it's a testament to the strength of community, the power of solidarity, and the unwavering commitment to supporting those who fight for justice. In this drop, we want to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to the remarkable individuals who have been at the forefront of this movement, championing Dr. Medlock's cause with their resources, voices, and unwavering support. Thank YOU!

Bravery Beyond Measure

The heart of JFM lies in its supporters – those who have fearlessly stepped forward to show solidarity with Dr. Medlock's cause. From sharing resources to signing petitions, spreading awareness through blog posts and social media, writing drops, and stepping up as sources of information, you are the courageous accomplices who have made this movement impactful and meaningful. We want to celebrate each and every one of you who has chosen to show up, open your heart, and be united against injustice.

Sharing Resources and Stories

To those who have shared resources and stories, you have not only educated others but have also helped create a network of support that amplifies the experiences of those who are often silenced. Your commitment to spreading knowledge and awareness has been instrumental in driving change and shedding light on the issues that need urgent attention.

Facing Fear and Retaliation

In a world where speaking out against injustice can often lead to retribution and retaliation, your courage shines even brighter. To those who have faced these fears and continued to show solidarity despite the risks, your resilience is truly inspiring. You remind us that when we come together, our collective strength can overcome even the most hopeless moments.

Working Behind the Scenes

Behind every movement are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes, often without seeking recognition. To those who have been instrumental in building the powerful network that supports JFM's cause, your dedication and commitment do not go unnoticed. Your contributions are the backbone of this movement, and we are incredibly grateful for your efforts.

A National Network of Solidarity

The reach of JFM extends far beyond a single location. It's a national network of individuals who believe in justice, equality, and standing up for what's right. Your support, whether from near or far, has contributed to the collective power that is driving change and demanding justice. We love our Colorado community, and we also honor our allies in - California, Texas, New York, and Washington DC.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We want to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation to each and every individual who has supported the Justice for Movement. Your actions, no matter how big or small, have made a significant impact. You are the driving force behind our movement, and your dedication gives us hope for a more just and equitable future.

As we continue to fight against systemic racism, oppression, and injustice, we want you to know that your support matters. Your bravery, resilience, and commitment have ignited a flame that will not be extinguished until justice is served. Together, we are stronger, and together, we will create the change that is so desperately needed. Thank you for being the driving force behind Justice for Movement, and for showing the world what true solidarity looks like. More drops are on the way so get ready.


The power of this movement is sourced from the JFM network. JFM is a volunteer collective and in response to the increase in tips and stories supporting the fight for justice, the collective created a new information-sharing tool! Share information with JFM using this form.

Have you been confronted about your racist, harmful, and oppressive behaviors? JFM encourages you to explore the concept of "processing right to comfort" to better understand its significance. In our efforts to dismantle systemic racism and foster inclusivity, uncomfortable conversations and confrontations are bound to occur. It's essential to remember that JFM’s intention is not to be adversarial but to promote growth and awareness. If you find JFM’s words hitting close to home, take the opportunity to introspect and understand the reasons behind your reactions.

Sign the Petition to Reinstate Dr. Medlock: Demand justice for Dr. Medlock signed the petition for Governor Polis to bring her back as the Commissioner of the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA).

Tell a story: If you have benefited from Dr. Medlock and her leadership, show up and uplift a true people-first leader dedicated to community and transformational reform.

Sign the Petition to Reinstate Dr. Medlock

On Monday, April 17, 2023, Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) Commissioner, Morgan Medlock, MD, MDiv, MPH, a Black community leader, was unjustly removed from her Colorado cabinet position without cause. Her removal risks the lives of millions of people in Colorado who deserve accessible, trauma-informed, and culturally-responsive behavioral health care. It also perpetuates the message that strong, qualified Women of Color are vulnerable to the whims of political systems and cabinet leadership.

Demand justice for Dr. Medlock by signing the petition for Governor Polis to bring her back as the Commissioner of the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA).


Dannette Smith Named BHA Commissioner, Has Ties to Dr. Medlock - A Big Win for Community


The Power of CORARequest.com for Colorado Citizens