Dr. Medlock’s Significant Progress Transforming Colorado's Behavioral Health System

Dr. Morgan Medlock, unjustly removed Commissioner of the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA), made significant progress toward transforming Colorado's behavioral health system in just one year since its launch. Dr. Medlock focused on developing a comprehensive and coordinated system of care that is person-centered and responsive to the needs of individuals and families seeking services. Under her leadership, the BHA made progress in expanding access to behavioral health services, promoting prevention and early intervention efforts, and addressing disparities in access to and quality of care. Dr. Medlock has also been instrumental in advancing equity and inclusion in Colorado's behavioral health system, including addressing disparities in access and quality of care for marginalized communities. 

Read more about her success and achievements, Dr. Medlock’s Visionary Leadership Aligned the BHA Strategic Plan and HB22-1278 and Dr. Medlock’s Vision for the BHA as Laid Out in the Strategic Plan.

The progress made toward transformational reform under Dr. Medlock’s leadership includes efforts to advance the following:

  • Developing a comprehensive and coordinated system of care that is person-centered and responsive to the needs of individuals and families seeking services.

  • Expanding access to behavioral health services, including crisis services, peer support services, and medication-assisted treatment.

  • Launching a statewide behavioral health crisis system that provides 24/7 support and access to care for individuals in crisis.

  • Implementing a peer certification program to ensure that individuals with lived experience are trained and certified to provide support to others.

  • Promoting prevention and early intervention efforts, including launching a suicide prevention campaign and providing resources for mental health and substance use prevention in schools.

  • Advancing equity and inclusion in Colorado's behavioral health system, including addressing disparities in access and quality of care for marginalized communities.

  • Developing partnerships with community organizations and stakeholders to ensure that the BHA's initiatives are informed by and responsive to the needs of local communities.

  • Establishing a lived experience Advisory Council to provide guidance and recommendations on the implementation of the BHA's initiatives and programs.

These activities are just a few examples of the progress that Dr. Medlock has made in leading the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration and transforming the state's behavioral health system and helping the people of Colorado to heal from past harms of the behavioral healthcare system.

Many of our BIPOC friends, family, and neighbors are experiencing deep grief and trauma as a result of Dr. Medlock’s removal and the lack of public support from others in leadership across Colorado. The response from the Black community in Colorado and other POC highlights the frustration and fear that comes with showing support, particularly in the face of retaliation and intimidation. This fear is a direct result of the history of harm and discrimination that People of Color have experienced in America.

Sign the Petition to Reinstate Dr. Medlock

On Monday, April 17, 2023, Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) Commissioner, Morgan Medlock, MD, MDiv, MPH, a Black community leader, was unjustly removed from her Colorado cabinet position without cause. Her removal risks the lives of millions of people in Colorado who deserve accessible, trauma-informed, and culturally-responsive behavioral health care. It also perpetuates the message that strong, qualified Women of Color are vulnerable to the whims of political systems and cabinet leadership.

Demand justice for Dr. Medlock by signing the petition for Governor Polis to bring her back as the Commissioner of the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA).


Share the Impact of Dr. Medlock’s Removal Directly with BHA via their Community Engagement Calendar


Dr. Medlock’s Visionary Leadership Aligned the BHA Strategic Plan and HB22-1278